Thursday, July 11, 2013

Pictory (pic story): our holiday to Singapore & Malaysia, our 4th wedding anniversary and random pictures

Mama & Sarah in Legoland Johor Malaysia, it was light raining, only drizzle but last till we went home

Sarah was unhappy that she have to wear the unfashinable raincoat hahahha

me, i'm happy to informed that my weight is still at 56kg hahahha but have lost lot body fat and inches that i get to wear my pre-marriage clothes. pat on the back for me!

Sarah edisi galau di Fullerton Singapore

Us inside Singapore Eye

Sarah ala-ala Dina Toki-o

Sarah experimenting on earthquake effect on buidling structure in Legoland

stacking legos

her favorite things to do: slide

galau edisi 2 di kamar hotel

Peace yo!

the signature grin, overlooking Scotts Road in the morning

ngintip orang pacaran di kolam renang

model wannabe banget pose kakinya

cards from hubby, 11 July 2013 is our 4th wedding anniversary :)

the flower from hubby sent to my office. i'm a bit shock of how big it was. feel a bit shy since my colleague tease me about it. thank you hubby, you're precious!

three of us. semoga kita menjadi keluarga sakinah, mawaddah, warrohmah. selalu bersama, bahagia, sehat dan bertemu lagi di surga nanti, amien.

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